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How to Embrace Somatic Living: Slow Sundays and Simple Pleasures

slow living Aug 11, 2024

How can we live a somatic life?


Living a somatic life means embracing a way of being that prioritizes awareness, connection, and presence in both the body and mind. It’s about tuning into your sensory experiences, emotions, and physical sensations to create a life that feels grounded, intentional, and deeply aligned with your true self.


Sundays are a great day to put this approach into action, or non-action, as it were...


To reset, rest, and prepare for the week ahead so that you can move into the week from a grounded place, from a regulated place.


So, set the vibe today. Even if it's just for PART of the day.


Set aside some moments to pause, breathe, and truly feel the beauty of this day. I don't know where you are but the weather where I am has been truly gorgeous - just a touch of sweater weather and I'm totally digging it.


Today, I invite you to embrace a "Somatic Slow Living Sunday." It’s a day to let go of the hustle and instead, find joy in the simple, soulful moments that reset your nervous system and nurture your spirit.


This is how we truly get grounded. We regulate our nervous system and get into an emotionally stable place.


One way I get grounded is by unplugging, harvesting yumminess from my garden, and cooking with those items.


Yesterday, I did just that. I picked some damson plums from our orchard then make a delicious plum cobbler! I'd never had plums baked into anything so I was weary but I let my British roots come out and gave it a whirl! Ha!


And I'm sure glad I did. Yum!!



Afterward, I found myself lounging on my deck, soaking up the sounds of nature, and tidying up the house - at a leisurely pace.


These small, mindful acts grounded me, helping me to slow down and truly enjoy the moment. What about you? What would make your Sunday feel light, joyful, and restorative?


Maybe it's taking a walk in the woods, savoring your favorite book with a cup of tea, or even just sitting quietly in the sunlight, letting your mind and body relax completely.


Perhaps you want to add in some gentle, somatic yoga. If so, you might want to try out this YouTube video of mine set in nature.


Whatever it is, give yourself permission to do it just because. Let this day be your reset button—a time to unwind and ease into the new week with a refreshed, balanced state of mind.


Take a deep breath, let go, and simply enjoy being today.


Wishing you a beautiful, slow Sunday,

Crystal ❤︎

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